Jamestown Philomenian Library Presents: An Evening of stories, poems and song. With BJ Whitehouse. Tuesday, November 7 at 7:00 pm. Readings: William Childress: "A Poet Remembers Korea" Letter to Sarah Ballou: July the 14th, 1861 Washington DC "My very dear Sarah" "If I died, I died." -- Joseph Darling, flag presenter, Connecticut Marine Corps funerals. "For the Heart" By: Neal Bowers "The Lonely Hill" By:- RA Harris "The Thunder of the Guns" By:- Gnr W.S.T. Stacy
Room Reservation:
Tuesday, November 07
Program Time:
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Event Location:
Name of Organization:
Jamestown Philomenian library
Contact Name:
donna fogarty
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Email: