Museum Passes
Pick up a library pass before visiting the museum. Pay at the museum.
With Pass: Up to 6 people at $7 for adults, $2 for youth ages 6-17.
Library Discount Pass Program runs April through Mid-October
Open: The Mansion: Tuesday thru Saturday, 11 am to 3 pm and Sunday 11 am to 3 pm.
The Gardens & Grounds: Tuesday thru Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday 10 am to 3 pm.
*Blithewold will occasionally close early for Special Events.
Closed: Mondays. Not valid for Programs, Family Fun Fridays, Fairy Festival, Sparkle, and Christmas at Blithewold.
Pass circulates for three days
Pick up a library pass/or call the library to receive the promo code before going online to purchase a ticket to the museum.
With Pass: Each pass now allows admission for 2 adults at $10 each (general admission and special exhibition) and up to 4 children ages 7-17 at $10 each (special exhibition only). There is no discount for children 7-17 for general admission, currently $10. Children 6 and under are admitted free.
Go to the MFA website "" to purchase your tickets in advance. You will click "Get Tickets" then choose your date and click the "Tickets" button for General Admission. You will then enter the promo code into the promo code box and hit submit. You will then be able to choose "Library Pass", enter the number of tickets you want, click on agree to the Health and Safety Policy and follow the prompts to complete your check out.
Sunday 10 am-5 pm
Monday 10 am–5 pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10 am–5 pm
Thursday 10 am–10 pm
Friday 10 am–10 pm
Saturday 10 am–5 pm
Closed: New Year's Day, Patriots' Day, July 4, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.

Pick up a printed, dated pass from the library. Provided with the pass will be instructions to purchase discounted, advance tickets online using the promo code provided. When purchasing tickets on the ISGM website, please enter the promo code first to receive the discount, then the date and time of your visit.
With Pass: Up to four (4) adults for $5 each. Children under the age of 18 are admitted free.
Open: TIMED TICKET ENTRY ONLY. Wednesday thru Monday, 11 am to 3:30 pm. Saturdays and Sundays, 10 am to 3:30 pm. First Thursdays, 11 am to 7:30 pm. All tickets will be sold for a specific entry time. Please arrive no more than five minutes ahead of your designated time slot.
Closed: Tuesdays. New Year's Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (open until 3 pm), Christmas, and Patriots' Day. Open: MLK Day, Presidents' Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day.
Please note: A few times a year the Museum opens its doors to the public at no charge. On those days, tickets are distributed to all visitors (including museum pass-holders) until the Museum capacity for the entire day is reached. Patrons are advised to plan accordingly as these days are unusually busy, and call ahead at 617-566-1401.
76 Bellevue Ave, Newport
Pick up a library pass before visiting the museum.
With Pass: Free admission for 2 adults and 2 children under age 18. FREE for youth up to 17.
Open: Tuesday thru Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm; Sunday, 12 pm to 5 pm. Open on Presidents' Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Closed: Mondays. Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve (at 1 pm) and New Year's Day.
Pass Circulates for three days
224 Benefit Street
Providence, RI 02903
Pick up a library pass before visiting the museum.
With Pass: Free Admission for 2 adults - children under 18 free.
Open: HOURS: TUE, WED, SAT, SUN 10am - 5pm, THU & FRI 12 - 7pm. Sundays are always free.*
Closed: The museum is closed on Mondays - Juneteenth, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day.
*Admission is free on Chase Free Sunday (10 am–5 pm) and Free After Five Presented by Chase on Thursdays and Fridays (5–7 pm).

Loeb Visitors Center
52 Spring St., Newport
Pick up a library pass before visiting the synagogue.
With Pass: Free admission for 2 adults/2 students - children under 13 are free.
Open: Sunday through Friday
Closed: Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays
Pass circulates for three days
Building 22 Charlestown Navy Yard
Boston, MA 02129
Pick up a library pass before visiting the Museum.
With Pass: Free admission for parties under 9 persons, one pass per party
Open: Hours: Open Daily;
Winter Hours: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Summer Hours (Memorial Day-Indigenous Peoples' Day): 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
Closed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day, and closes early on Christmas Eve.
Pass circulates for three days