Pop Tart Gingerbread House Take & Make

It's that time of year, when we usually hold our annual Gingerbread House workshop at the library. Because it's not possible to have you come to the event, we thought we'd bring the houses to you! Houses will be available for pickup on Saturday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m.

You will get all of the supplies needed to create your very own Pop Tart Gingerbread House. All ingredients will either be individually wrapped or placed in plastic containers by staff members wearing gloves and a face mask.
Because cutting the Pop Tarts with a serrated knife is involved, we recommend that this activity be for older kids and adults or for children with adult supervision. Also, it is highly recommended that you build the house one day and decorate it the next, in order to allow the foundation to dry. So this activity takes some patience!
Quantities are limited.
One house per family.
Please share photos of your house when you have completed it. All participants who share a photo will be entered into a prize drawing!