Meeting Room Policies

Meeting Rooms must be book 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, they are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Jamestown Philomenian Library

Public Policy Manual



Jamestown Philomenian Library Mission Statement……………...........……3

Jamestown Philomenian LibraryService Policy…………………...........……4

Statement on Confidentiality and Privacy……..…………………...........……5

Video Surveillance Policy…………………………..………………...........……6

Equity and Inclusion Policy…………………...........................................……7

Materials Selection Policy…………………............................................….8-9

Library Patron Code of Conduct…………………............................……10-11

Photography, Filming, and Video Policy……………………………………...12

Unattended Children…………………………..…………………...........…….13

Computer, Internet, and Wireless Use Policy………...………...........….14-16

Circulation Policy…………………...........…………………………………17-20

Use of the Library by Outside Groups Policy…………………………….21-24

Social Media Policy…………………...........………………………………25-26

Flag Policy…………………..................................................................……27

Displays and Exhibits Policy………...........………………………………..…28

Lost and Found Policy…………………...........…………………………….…29

Fundraising and Donations Policy…………………................................30-31

Anonymous Letters Addressed to the Board of Trustees Policy.…....…….32

Jamestown Philomenian Library

Mission Statement


The mission of the Jamestown Philomenian Library is to bring people, information, and ideas together to enrich lives and strengthen the community.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Jamestown Philomenian Library

Service Policy


The Jamestown Philomenian Library welcomes all who enter its doors and extends to everyone access to its collections and services.

The borrowing of library materials is a privilege reserved for those with Ocean State Libraries (OSL) cards issued both here and elsewhere across our state.

The Jamestown Philomenian Library reserves the right to deny entry and/or service to any individual not following the rules of the Library.

The Board of Trustees shall, in agreement with the Library Director, determine the days and hours that the Library will be open for public circulation. The Library will be closed for all federal and state holidays. Closings due to unusual circumstances shall be at the discretion of the Town Administrator and the Library Director.

Library-sponsored programs will be offered to all and will be scheduled at the discretion of the Library Director.

Board approved: 6/13/23



Statement on Confidentiality and Privacy


Pursuant to RI General Laws § 11-18-32, § 11-49.3, and § 38-2-2 sub-§ 4(U), and as part of our commitment to intellectual freedom, it is the policy of the Jamestown Philomenian Library to protect the confidentiality of patron records and the privacy of patron interest and inquiry. Confidentiality extends to all records with identifying information about patrons, including their borrowing records, requests for information, materials, and their loan transactions. It also includes their use of library computers, all electronic and print resources they access, and items related to library programs and services. The Jamestown Philomenian Library will keep patron records confidential and will not disclose this information except as necessary to library staff and vendors for the proper operation of the library, upon consent of the user, pursuant to a subpoena or court order, or as otherwise required by law.

The only exception to this policy is for minors. Parents or legal guardians of children under age 18 may have access to information on currently checked-out items on their child’s library card (all library materials get wiped off of patron records upon their return). 

Board approved: 6/13/23


Video Surveillance Policy


The Jamestown Philomenian Library employs a video surveillance camera system inside and outside the building.  A sign is posted at the library entrance informing the public that security cameras are in use. These cameras are in use to enhance the physical security of the library, its property, staff, and patrons.

While it is recognized that video surveillance will not prevent all incidents, its potential deterrent effect, and resource as a means of identifying and prosecuting offenders is considered worthwhile. Signage is posted throughout the library at all times, disclosing this activity. Video cameras are not nor shall be positioned in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of personal privacy.

We strive to protect the privacy of our patrons and therefore use this equipment in accordance with state laws and retention policies. Footage from these cameras is for monitoring Library security only, is kept for a maximum of 30 days, and is shared outside of JPL only under subpoena or warrant.

Under American Library Association (ALA) guidelines, libraries do not share a library user’s records and information with law enforcement except with the permission of the user, in response to a subpoena or court order, or in accordance with state library confidentiality law. Records of video surveillance in the library are protected under the same considerations of privacy and confidentiality as all other library records, and the same rules and guidelines for access apply.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Equity and Inclusion Policy 

Jamestown Philomenian Library (JPL) deeply values equity of access to information and resources and the pursuit of intellectual freedom for all patrons. In support of these principles, we welcome all members of the community and seek to provide a safe and inclusive space for all visitors, regardless of race or color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, actual or perceived gender identity or expression, disability, age, national or ethnic origin, or socio-economic status.

As such, JPL upholds the rights of all individuals to use its facilities without fear of harassment or intimidation.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Materials Selection Policy

The Materials Selection Policy offers guidance to Library staff in the selection and retention of materials for the Jamestown Philomenian Library and serves to inform the public of the Library’s philosophy for selection and collection maintenance.

The Collection Development Policy is based on the Library’s Mission Statement and the long-established principles of the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, Freedom to View Statement and Access to Library Resources and Services to Minors, as adopted by the American Library Association.

The scope of the collection is designed to meet the changing interests and needs of this community of year round residents of all ages, summer residents, and visitors.

The purpose of the collection is to provide a contemporary collection of resources in a wide range of formats to meet the informational, educational and recreational needs of our community.

The Library strives to meet these needs within the limitations of space, staffing, and budget. The Library endeavors to make use of new technologies and formats to offer library users the greatest access to information and ideas.

The Library maintains a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction materials. Materials and formats are not maintained past their relevance. This ensures a collection of current interest to our patrons. Textbooks and materials of a highly technical or specialized nature more appropriate for research or special libraries are generally excluded from the collection.

The Library recognizes that there are ideas, opinions, viewpoints and philosophies which are subject for discussion and debate and that any community will be made up of citizens with divergent viewpoints. The Library endeavors to provide equal access to all points of view within the limits of financial resources and physical space. When judging the merit of materials for purchase, Library staff refer to professional review publications, news media, recommended lists by professional organizations, patron requests, literary awards, and the popularity of similar items. Cultural diversity will be considered in the selection of materials.

The ultimate responsibility for selection of Library materials rests with the Library Director. 


Guidelines for Materials Selection

Collection development is based on these specific criteria:

·         Community needs, interests and demands

·         The importance of subject matter to the collection

·         Price and availability for purchase

Reviews are a major source of information about new materials. However, the lack of review or an unfavorable review shall not be the sole reason for rejecting a title which is in demand. Consideration is, therefore, given to requests from library patrons and books discussed on public media. Materials are judged on the basis of the work as a whole, not on part taken out of context.



Occasionally, there may be objections to materials, which have been selected for inclusion in the collection. The procedure in this case calls for the use of the attached Objection to Inclusion form which will be reviewed and followed up as described on the form.

  • Attached Form 

A similar procedure will be followed when requesting reconsideration of materials which have not been selected for inclusion in the collection. The written form in this case is the attached Objection to Exclusion form, which will be reviewed and followed up in like manner.

  • Attached Form 


Board approved: 6/13/23

Library Patron Code of Conduct



In an effort to meet the reading and information needs of the public and to ensure the safety of library patrons and staff, the Jamestown Philomenian Library has adopted the following list of behavior guidelines. To maintain an atmosphere conducive to library use, we require that library patrons abide by these guidelines, and all state and local laws and mandates, while in the library and on library premises, such as our sidewalks, parking lot, and outdoor spaces.

This list of guidelines is by no means exhaustive or all-inclusive and may be amended from time to time. Patrons violating any one or more of these guidelines will be asked to cease and desist from engaging in such violations and may be required to leave the premises.


Library Patron Code of Conduct

·         Proper dress is required (shoes and shirts are required)

·         Use of personal electronic equipment may be limited to certain areas of the library and must not interfere with other library users or staff

·         Stealing, abusing, defacing or destroying any library property is prohibited

·         Sustained conversations above acceptable noise levels is prohibited

·        Profane or obscene language and gestures is prohibited

·        Sleeping in premises or on grounds is prohibited

·         Any form of harassment of library staff, vendors, or patrons is prohibited. Harassment includes, without limitation, physical harassment, verbal harassment, visual harassment, and innuendo.

·         Disrupting or interfering with the use of the library by other patrons is prohibited; offensive personal hygiene that constitutes a nuisance to others is not permitted, per Kreimer v Bureau of Police for Town of Morristown, 958 F.2d at 1248 and State v Lead Industries Association, Inc. 951 A.2d 428,446 (RI Supreme Court, 2008)

·         Carrying, possessing or displaying weapons is prohibited with the exception of on-duty police officers carrying service weapons

·         Using, selling, or trading tobacco, marijuana, or vapor products is prohibited

·         Using, selling or trading alcohol and illegal substances is prohibited

·         Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited

·         Running or using sporting equipment inside the library and on outside areas where said use may endanger the safety of other patrons is prohibited

·         Engaging in sexual acts is prohibited

·         Entering into non-public areas of the library or using library equipment or facilities without authorization is prohibited

·         Soliciting patrons and library personnel is prohibited

·         Parents or legal guardians are ultimately responsible for the behavior of their children in the library and on library premises. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for any and all monetary and structural damage caused by their children whether they are present or not.

·         Animals are not permitted inside the library, except certified service animals assisting patrons

Board approved: 6/13/23


Photography, Filming, and Video Policy



The Jamestown Philomenian Library will permit filming and photography under the conditions described herein only to the extent that it does not interfere with the operations, programs and activities of the Library.

The Board hereby authorizes filming and photography in Library facilities as follows:


·         Classes or events sponsored by JPL may be photographed or video-recorded by the Library’s staff or its representatives. The Library may utilize photos and videos from public programs and events at Library facilities and Library spaces on its website, social media, and in Library publications. To ensure the privacy of all individuals, including children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.


·         Casual amateur photography, filming, and videotaping is permitted in the vestibule, conference rooms and meeting room of Library facilities for patrons and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit, provided that the photography does not interfere in any way with Library operations or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission. Any such photographers are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed.


·         Except as permitted by applicable law, no commercial or media photography or filming may occur in Library facilities without the prior written permission and approval of the Director. Such approval shall contain the conditions under which the commercial/media photography or filming will take place, and address the rights to ownership of the photos/films.


Any consent granted pursuant to this Policy to permit photography or filming may be revoked at any time upon failure to comply with terms of the Policy or other rules and regulations of the Library.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Unattended Children Policy 

It is the mission of the Jamestown Philomenian Library to provide a safe and appropriate environment in which library users of all ages have access to library materials and services. The library is a public building with trained staff whose role it is to provide and assist with the use of library materials and services. It is not consistent with library policy for its staff to provide any kind of supervision of children beyond that associated with planned activities, programs or services designed for specific age groups. Nor does the library or its staff assume responsibility for the behavior and safety of unattended minor children (ages 10 and under) left at the library.

Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied and adequately supervised by a responsible caregiver, and children under the age of 6 must be in the immediate vicinity of that caregiver at all times. Older children may use the library unattended as long as their behavior is not disruptive or dangerous to themselves or others. Parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior and safety of their children in the library, whether or not the parent/guardian is present. Library staff will notify parents/guardians when unattended children are not following the Library Patron Code of Conduct.

Young people who visit the library by themselves must know how to reach a responsible caregiver in case of emergencies, health and safety issues, inappropriate behavior, or early closure. This also means knowing how to reach a parent or other responsible adult at closing time if they need transportation home.

If any child under the age of 13 remains on the library premises 15 minutes after closing, staff may call the proper authorities for transportation.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Computer, Internet, and Wireless Use Policy


The Jamestown Philomenian Library provides our patrons with free use of computers, free access to the Internet, and free wireless access. By using a public computer at the Jamestown Philomenian Library, the patron agrees to abide by the following policies and terms, as well as the Public Code of Conduct. Violation of these rules may result in the loss of computer access, library privileges, or expulsion from the library. Library staff have full authority to enforce these policies and procedures as well as policies related to general behavior in the library.


Rules Governing Computer and Internet and Wireless Access & Use

Violations of any local, state or federal statutes are prohibited. Users are responsible for compliance with all copyright notices and restrictions attached to web content as well as applicable state and federal laws.

Library users may bring their own headphones to plug into library computers or purchase earbuds from library staff. Otherwise, the sound on the computers must be turned off. 

Files can be temporarily saved to public computers, but will be deleted upon reboot. It is advised that patrons using our computers should bring a portable USB to save their work.

Library users who bring their own devices may connect to the wireless network and plug in their devices to designated outlets. However, they may not use outlets designated for library equipment or in staff-only areas, and they must make sure cords and other peripherals are not in walkways. Personal electronic equipment should be silenced unless headphones are attached.

Computer users agree to take proper care of all equipment that is the property of the library.

Supported software applications installed on all public computers include, but are not limited to: Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint, and Internet browsers Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Google Chrome. Adobe Acrobat Reader is also included.

Computer users may not:

·         Make any attempt to bypass software on Public Access Catalog computers to gain full computer access.

·         Use library computers to view or disseminate material considered inappropriate for a public environment such as sexually explicit or suggestive (obscene/pornographic) and racist, anti-LGBTQ+, and anti-Semitic material images or videos.

·         Invade the privacy of others or engage in any activity that is harassing, bullying, defamatory, or threatening. These behaviors are a violation of RI state law §11-52-4.2 (Cyberstalking and Cyberharassing).



Patrons use library computers at their own risk. The library makes no guarantees, either expressed or implied, with respect to any technology, equipment, software, or other library materials.

The Jamestown Philomenian Library does not monitor Internet use and cannot be held responsible for its content.

Monitoring a child’s use and access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. The State of Rhode Island offers guidelines for discussing online safety with children at

Privacy and Security

Patrons should not have an expectation of screen privacy, as all public computers are in view of other patrons and library staff.

Every effort will be made to maintain a secure environment on library networks; however, Internet transactions, communications and activities are potentially vulnerable to unauthorized access.

For more information about the confidentiality of computer records see the Jamestown Philomenian Library’s Statement on Confidentiality and Privacy.

Because library computers are a shared resource available to the public, it is important to log out of all personal accounts before ending your computer session.



Library staff have limited availability to assist users who do not have basic computer skills. The library encourages users who wish to improve their computer skills to schedule in advance a one-on-one training session with a staff member.


Printing is available from all public computers for a fee (current posted prices). The Jamestown Philomenian Library will only issue refunds for printing if the machine produced a blurred, black or otherwise unreadable copy or if the paper leaves the machine torn or wrinkled. Users should always use the Print Preview function before sending a print job to make sure the number of pages is correct, that no blank pages are included, and that the text on the page is complete.


Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

The Jamestown Philomenian Library complies with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which requires the use of filtering software on public computers to limit children’s access to material that is (a) obscene; (b) child pornography; or (c) harmful to minors. For more information on CIPA please visit:

Filtering software may not block all material users might find offensive.

Adults, defined by the law as over 17, may choose to use unfiltered computers for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. An authorized library staff member may disable the filtering software if the above criteria are met.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Circulation Policy 

The Jamestown Philomenian Library is a member of Ocean State Libraries (OSL), a consortium of public libraries in Rhode Island that are linked through a state-wide communications network. Library cards issued at the Jamestown Philomenian Library are free of charge and are valid at all other OSL member libraries in Rhode Island.

The Jamestown Philomenian Library participates in complete resource sharing of all circulating materials with the exception of those materials classified as equipment (Library of Things and laptops) and those materials classified as special loan.



 Anyone can use the resources of the Jamestown Philomenian Library. Only registered patrons may borrow library materials. To obtain an OSL library card, a photo ID with a current address must be presented; a Rhode Island driver’s license or a student ID is preferred. There is a $1.00 fee for a replacement card.

Young Adult Borrowers

Students ages 13 to 17 may provide proof of their enrollment in a public or private school in Rhode Island (class schedule, transcript, report card, etc.) in lieu of a photo ID if they do not otherwise have one. Proof of home address must still be provided if not stated on school enrollment documents.


Juvenile Borrowers

Children aged 0-12 must have their application signed by a parent or guardian*, who may provide the above identification/address validation on their child’s behalf. Both the parent or guardian and the child should be present to apply for a library card. *The parent/guardian is responsible for the lost or damaged materials borrowed by their child.


Card Expiration

As long as the account remains in use, the borrower’s information will remain on file. However, the OSL system automatically deletes the information after three years of no use.

 Patron Rights and Responsibilities

The cardholder has the right to use all the public-access materials and services of the OSL member libraries. All cardholders are expected to return the materials promptly and in good condition. The library should be notified if there is a change of cardholder name, address, or telephone number.

Suspension of Borrowing Privileges

Borrowing privileges are suspended if library materials are not returned or charges are not paid. It is the libraries’ policy to charge the replacement cost of lost or severely damaged materials. Patrons owing fines of more than $5.00 will be restricted from borrowing items until the balance is $5.00 or less. Restricted patrons are still welcome to use the resources and services the Library has to offer.


Loan Periods for JPL Materials

Books, audiobooks, magazines, non-fiction DVDs, and TV series DVDs circulate for a period of three weeks. Fiction DVDs circulate for one week. Generally, reference books do not circulate; however some reference materials may be checked out for three days. Museum passes (please see our Museum Passes webpage and on-site materials) circulate for three days, unless otherwise noted.



Renewals are automatic if no one else is waiting for the item. Most items will be renewed for 2 additional loan periods. Library materials can also be renewed in person or over the phone during library business hours, or online by logging in to your account.


Overdue and Fines

Patrons have the responsibility to return materials they have checked out on or before the due date. The Jamestown Philomenian Library does not issue fines for items other than overdue Museum Passes, overdue eReaders, and Library of Things items ($5.00/day). However, we ask that our patrons respect the other patrons who may be waiting for checked out items and return them on time. Items that go unreturned after two overdue notices, which are sent to either a phone or email according to patron preference when signing up for a library card, will be billed for replacement.



Holds may be placed on any circulating item in the OSL system. If a title of interest is unavailable at the Jamestown Philomenian Library, the patron may request the item by placing a hold through the online catalog. It will be delivered to the Jamestown Philomenian Library when it becomes available and can be picked up here. When more than one hold is placed on an item in the OSL system, a queue will be established, and each request will be filled in the order in which it was received. However, Jamestown Philomenian Library’s cardholders will be given first access to books owned by the Jamestown Philomenian Library.


After hours, library materials may be placed in the drop at the front of the building, adjacent to the parking lot. During operating hours, books may be returned at the outdoor drop or the interior drop. Items from other OSL libraries may be returned at the Jamestown Philomenian Library and Jamestown Philomenian Library books may be returned at any other OSL library.

Library Notices

Ocean State Libraries provides a notification service for held items, overdue materials, and other service-specific reasons. Notices are available via telephone, mail, or email. Cardholders must select a notice preference and provide a valid telephone number or email address on their account. Borrowers may also elect to receive SMS Text Alerts on their mobile phone (this is in addition to the method by which notices are sent which is chosen at the time of application). Bills for overdue material will be sent to the mailing address on record at the Library. 

Note: In the case of borrowers who receive their notices by email, it is their responsibility to make sure that emails sent from addresses with in the sender information be allowed through any filters they may have in place on their Inbox. Cardholders who have provided an email address will receive a Courtesy Notice reminding them of material due two (2) days before the due date. Failure to receive a reminder of items due notice does not absolve the borrower from any fines or fees associated with material being returned late.

Interlibrary Loan

Items not available in the OSL system can usually be obtained from other libraries through an inter-library loan. Patrons wishing to retrieve sources using inter-library loans must be in good standing with the library as far as fines and overdue fees. The item can be requested from any staff member. Once the ILL is requested, it generally takes from several days to three weeks for the materials to arrive. Any charges from the loaning institution will be passed on to the user. The lending library sets a due date on materials. The items are due back to our library in time to return them to the lending library.

Non-Resident Borrowers

Visitors from out-of-state or abroad are welcome to use the Ocean State Libraries public libraries’ resources on-site. Many of the resources accessed from the public libraries do not require the issuance of a library card.

Non-Resident Full Access Cards

Non-Resident Full Access cards are issued for one year and carry an annual fee equal to the cost of Rhode Island library service per cardholder, rounded up to the nearest $5. Currently, that fee is $245 and can be paid at any OSL library. Visitors may apply for a Non-Resident Full Access card using a current photo ID and if that does not include the applicant’s address, then he/she must provide a proof of address (not a P.O. Box.) All other registration procedures are applicable. Non-Residents need to visit a library in-person to apply for a Full Access Card.

Non-Resident Local Use Only Cards

At their sole discretion and policy, some libraries may issue Local Use Only cards to visitors. JPL issues Local Access Cards to visitors who will be in town for more than one month. A visitor may have, at most, one Local Use Only card in the Ocean State Libraries database. Local Use Only cards may be used to borrow materials from the issuing library only and may not be used to place holds from other OSL libraries. Local Use Only cards do not allow the borrower access to the Ocean State Libraries’ digital eZone site and these patrons are limited to three (3) items checked out at one time.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Use of the Library by Outside Groups



1. The Jamestown Philomenian Library (hereinafter “JPL”) makes available meeting rooms to groups for civic, cultural, and educational purposes during the library’s normal hours of operation. Meeting rooms are intended as workspaces. They are not available for social or religious gatherings, fundraising, lounging, or commercial purposes. “Group(s)” is defined as any association, organization, corporation, or gathering of individuals however denominated.

2. The Library subscribes to the tenets of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights(opens in a new tab), Article VI, which states in part, “libraries which make meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use".

3. Providing use of a meeting room does not in any way constitute an endorsement of a group's statements, presentations, policies or beliefs by the Library. The Library shall not be identified or implied as a sponsor of the event or group.

4. All events held in the Library meeting rooms must be open to the public. “Event” is defined as any meeting, program, gathering, or performance. Please see “Use of Meeting Spaces, 13” for exception.

5. All use of meeting rooms is approved by the library director or designee.

6. Failure to comply with the provisions of the Library’s meeting room policy will result in the suspension of future meeting room use.

7. Library-initiated programs have priority over all other uses of meeting space. In the event of a scheduling conflict, groups will be given timely notice and the Library will work with a group to reschedule the event subject to availability. 


Meeting Room Reservations

1. A Meeting Room Request Form must be completed for all requests for the use of meeting rooms. Requests may be submitted up to 3 months in advance. Submitting a Request Form does not guarantee use of the meeting room or the date and time requested.

2. Groups requesting the use of the meeting rooms will designate on the request form a contact person who shall be its formal representative while the room is being used. Inquiries concerning the meeting in question will be referred to the contact person.

3. The person requesting a meeting room must be at least 18 years of age. 

4. The library director has sole discretion to determine the necessity of police presence. The group will cover any costs incurred by the use of police details.

5. Due to the numerous requests for meeting space, continuing and repetitious use of the meeting rooms by a single group or organization must be limited. No individual or organization may request or use a meeting space more than twice a week.

7. Groups may not use the name, address, or telephone number of the Library as the official address or permanent meeting place of the organization.

8. Once a space is reserved, the group is not permitted to allow a third party to use the space in their place.

9. Meeting room use will be denied to anyone providing false, misleading, or incomplete information on a Meeting Room Request Form. 

10. Extended and exclusive use of the Library's meeting rooms for cultural or educational purposes, such as a theater engagement or art exhibit, may be arranged under a separate agreement with the library director.

11. Walk-in use of our meeting spaces (Blue Room, Green Room, and Wright Room) is permitted (at the maximum twice per week policy noted above). Full name and contact information must be supplied, as it is for an online reservation.


Use of Meeting Spaces

1. Use of meeting rooms is only available during the Library’s normal hours of operation. Groups are required to vacate meeting rooms fifteen minutes prior to library closing.

2. The Library assumes no liability for organizations or their meeting attendees using the Library facilities, or for theft or damage to vehicles or personal property while on the premises.  The Library is not responsible for equipment, clothing, or other items left on its premises at the close of a meeting. The meeting organizer jointly and severally agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Library, and its agents/employees and its Successors and assigns, from any claims, action, liability, loss, damage or suit, arising from the use of the Library facilities.  In the event of any asserted claim, the Library shall provide the meeting organizer reasonable timely written notice of same, and thereafter the event organizer shall at its own expense defend, protect, and hold harmless the Library against said claim or any loss or liability thereunder.

3. Meeting rooms may not be used in any way that interferes with the operation of the Library, or which threatens the safety of library staff and patrons. All attendees must adhere to all federal, state, local laws, regulations and library policies including the Library’s Code of Conduct.

4. Posted room capacity, as determined by the fire marshal, will be observed and enforced at all times.

5. No admission fees may be charged, no requests for donations are allowed, and no products and services may be sold.

6. Groups are responsible for and will be charged for any damage to library property, or any inordinate amount of cleaning resulting from the use of the rooms. Groups are required to notify library staff immediately of any spills or damage to the room or library property.

7. Simple refreshments may be served in meeting rooms, with prior approval, provided groups use their own supplies and equipment and leave the area in a clean and orderly condition. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.  

8. Open flames and candles, smoking and vaping, and consumption of marijuana whether by smoking, vaping, or any other method, are prohibited in the Library.

9. The Library makes its meeting rooms available for use by other governmental agencies, or their contractors, when possible. Agencies holding meetings open only to their own staff may be approved subject to availability.

10. Library-related groups or support groups may be exempted from some of the regulations at the discretion of the library director.

11. The Library is unable to provide storage for any group. All items used for the meeting must be brought in during set up and be removed immediately following the meeting. A representative from the group must be present to accept delivery ahead of time for items needed by the group and take responsibility for its removal afterward.

12. The presenter, not the Library, is responsible for obtaining all rights and clearances regarding copying, performance, display, or distribution of materials for the event.

13. The Library makes its meeting rooms available for non-profit organizations with a valid 501c3 number for Board of Directors meetings, when possible. Non-Profit organizations holding Board meetings open only to their own board and staff may be approved subject to availability. Non-Profit organizations will be required to submit information confirming their 501c3 status to hold events under this provision.



1. All publicity shall clearly identify the name and contact information of the group sponsoring the program. The Library shall not be identified or implied as a sponsor. All publicity for the event must include the legible disclaimer “This event is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Jamestown Philomenian Library.”

Publicity includes but is not limited to all advertising, flyers, press releases, social media postings, newsletters, and any other method of promoting and marketing the event or meeting.

2. Only Library-initiated programs are placed on the Library’s website and social media.



1. The Library reserves the right to cancel any event due to inclement weather, building emergency, or other extenuating circumstances. The Library will do its best to reschedule the event on a mutually agreed upon date and if that is not possible, all fees will be refunded.

2. When the Library closes because of weather or building emergencies, every effort will be made to notify groups scheduled to use meeting rooms. During adverse weather conditions, group representatives should call the library and listen to the recorded message or go to the Jamestown Philomenian Library website (

3. Groups are required to notify the Library of any cancellations to meeting room reservations at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so may result limitations on future room use.


4. Failure to comply with the provisions of the Library’s meeting room policy shall result in the cancellation of any scheduled use of meeting space.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Social Media Policy 

The Library uses social media to increase awareness of and accessibility to its programs, resources and services in order to serve its mission. Social media is broadly defined as any web application, site or account created and maintained by the library which allows users to share or obtain information. The intended audience for the Library’s social media accounts is the general public, including residents of communities that are members of the Ocean State Libraries Consortium, visitors to the library, and other interested parties.

The Library permits patrons to comment on Library posts and patrons are invited to share opinions about Library-related subjects, resources and programs. Postings do not indicate Library endorsement of the ideas, issues, or opinions expressed in posts on its social media sites.

The purpose of the Library’s social media sites is to inform Library users about educational opportunities, library programs, events (including those co-sponsored with other organizations) and materials, and to encourage dialogue and the exchange of information and knowledge between users and Library staff about these programs, events and materials.

The Library invites comments, posts and messages, while recognizing and respecting differences of opinion. Comments expressed on the Library’s social media accounts do not reflect the views or positions of the library, its officers, or its employees. Social media users should exercise their own judgment about the quality and accuracy of any information presented through social media. The Jamestown Philomenian Library will not be held responsible or liable for the content posted to any Library-affiliated websites. The Library further reserves the right to reproduce comments, posts and messages in other public venues, without further permission from subscribers.

The Library seeks to provide social media users with environments free from discrimination and obscenities. Therefore, all comments, posts and messages are subject to review by the Library. The Library reserves the right to remove any comment, post or message that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be abusive, defamatory, in violation of intellectual property rights, or otherwise inappropriate. Content containing the following will be removed:


·         Disrespectful, inflammatory or off-topic comments

·         Obscene, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic or otherwise threatening comments

·         Personal attacks, insults, or harassment

·         Plagiarized material (quotations without credit lines)

·         Information that is likely to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems

·         Private or personal information published without consent; including photographs

·         Commercial promotions, spam or organized political activity

·         Hyperlinks and images which meet any of the above criteria

If it happens that any individual repeatedly provides content to Library-sponsored websites that meets the criteria above, the Library may block them from posting any further information to the library’s social media sites, but only after said person has received one warning that they are violating the policies contained here-in. Any social media user who has been banned or had a message/content deleted may appeal this decision, in writing or email, to the Library Director. Email reconsideration requests should be sent to:

Upon receipt, the Library Director will respond to the reconsideration request within ten business days. A final appeal may be made to the Library Board of Trustees.

The Library will not collect, sell, or knowingly transfer to any third parties any personally identifiable information related to social media engagement with the library. Users must understand that social media is permanent, retrievable, and public. Messages can potentially be read by anyone once posted, regardless of status on friends, follower, or subscriber lists. The Library recommends that users do not post their personal information or contact information on social media sites.

The Library, its employees, agents and officials assume no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from participation in Library-sponsored social media.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Flag Policy

JPL will follow Title 4, Chapter 1 of the United States Code, which details the laws relating to the flag of the United States of America. Title 4, Chapter 1 of the United States Code provides the process for when the national flag is displayed at half-staff.

The library’s flagpoles are not intended to serve as a forum for free expression by the public and the library does not allow flags to be raised on request of private entities.


Board approved: 6/13/23


Displays and Exhibits Policy 

As an educational and cultural institution, the Jamestown Philomenian Library welcomes exhibits and displays of interest, information, and enlightenment to the community. Displays of handiwork, historical material, nature study, or any other material deemed of general interest may be exhibited. The Library Board of Trustees shall accept or reject material offered for display based on its suitability and availability.

JPL assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection, and no liability for possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the Library are therefore at the owner’s risk. A release must be signed by the exhibitor before any artifact can be displayed in the library.


Board approved: 6/13/23


Lost and Found Policy 

JPL is not responsible for the security of personal items brought into the library facility. The library is not responsible for theft or damage to vehicles, bicycles or personal property while on the premises. Unclaimed items are managed in accordance with the following guidelines:

·         If the owner of a lost and found item satisfactorily identifies the lost item, the item will be returned.

·         Perishable items such as food, baby bottles, beverage containers and personal care items will be disposed of immediately.

·         Lost and Found items will be dated and stored for a period of fourteen (14) days. Reasonable attempts will be made to contact the owners (to the extent ownership is known) to reclaim their lost items. Items not claimed within fourteen (14) days become Library property. Unclaimed items will then be donated to charity or discarded.

·         Certain types of property including unclaimed identification documents, driver’s licenses, credit cards, wallets, laptops and cell phones will be forwarded to the Jamestown Police.

·         Flash drives left in the library will be held for 14 days. Due to patron privacy library staff will not access data saved on flash drives to determine ownership. After 14 days, flash drives will be wiped and discarded.

·         Documents left in library copy machines and scanners will be kept for 7 days then shredded.


Board approved: 6/13/23

Fundraising and Donations Policy

The Jamestown Philomenian Library welcomes the donation of cash and tangible property that will better enable the Library to fulfill its mission.  



Fundraising policy and execution of related activities are solely the responsibility of the Library Board of Trustees. 

JPL organizes a number of fundraising initiatives including but not limited to:

  • Friends of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Annual Membership Appeal (fall and spring)

  • Summer Book Sale (July)

All proceeds from these events go to JPL’s unrestricted operating budget.

Fundraising on Library premises is for the sole benefit of the Library. Outside organizations is not permitted.


Monetary Donations

Donations to the Library are accepted all year. Donations are accepted by cash and by check, made out to Jamestown Philomenian Library and sent to the attention of the Library Director.

Unrestricted Donations

Unrestricted donations are used at the discretion of the Library Director and in consultation with the Library Board of Trustees Donations may be used for current year operations (such as the ongoing purchase of new books, programming, concerts, buildings and grounds) or for capital repairs including renovation of the current structure and unbudgeted maintenance.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts provide for the future financial viability and well-being of the Library. Donors interested in a planned gift will work with their legal representation and the Board of Trustees to ensure proper documentation, procedural transfer and execution of the future gift.

 Donations of Material (In-Kind Gifts)

The Jamestown Philomenian Library reserves the right to refuse any material gift that would not be in the Library’s best interest. All material donations become the property of the Library and cannot be returned.

Donations may be added or removed from our collection following the criteria of the Library Collection Development policy or may be sold to benefit the library.


Board approved: 6/13/23



Anonymous Letters Addressed to the Board of Trustees



An anonymous letter to the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees is an intentionally unsigned letter, which includes written and electronic communications, has no traceable return address, and requests the attention of the JPL Board of Trustees. The letter may be addressed to members of the JPL Board of Trustees, the Library Director, an employee or a volunteer of the JPL.


All such anonymous letters will be reviewed and adjudicated by the Library Director and the Chair of the JPL Board of Trustees and, when necessary, in consultation with the Board. The Library Director shall maintain a file for anonymous letters. The Anonymous Letter file will be accessible only by the Library Director and the Board of Trustees, unless the letter is requested by an authorized individual or organization.


If the letter is threatening in nature, a copy of the letter will be given to the individual(s) threatened and to the Jamestown Chief of Police, with a dated cover letter signed by the JPL Board of Trustees President. The JPL Board, staff and the Library Director will be informed that a threatening letter has been received. Threatening complaint letters will be kept permanently.


If the letter is a non-threatening complaint or recommendation and concerns a safety issue, the letter will be filed and kept for one year by the Library Director who shall consult with the Chair and the Board on the issue. All other non-threatening letters of complaint or recommendation will be filed and kept for one year by the Library Director who may consult with the Chair and the Board regarding the issue raised.

Board approved: 6/13/23