
Tarantulas for Halloween!

Join Laura Ferrick and her eleven tarantulas on Monday, October 18, at 6:00 PM via Zoom. Learn about each tarantula's personality and physical attributes. Laura will share information on each genera and species. Stay connected for a Meet and Greet with her friends!

Mobile Quest: Rescue Rapunzel

Rapunzel spent her time in quarantine watching tik-tok videos and found a DIY on how to cut her hair. Now there is no way for people to visit her tower, and she needs your help! In this Zoom workshop, participants are given different situations and materials to find a solution. Put your critical thinking and problem-solving skills to the test by rescuing Rapunzel!

Mobile Quest: STEM Spy

Agent Memphis has been captured by evil operatives and needs you to use your STEM skills and help him escape. In this Zoom workshop, participants are given different situations and materials to find a solution. Exercise your STEM skills and aid Agent Memphis in his escape!


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