Jamestown Ukraine Reading Group
Monthly meeting of this reading group - currently sharing articles relating to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. New members welcome - for more info, contact John Andrews, jtn4ukr@gmail.com.
Monthly meeting of this reading group - currently sharing articles relating to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. New members welcome - for more info, contact John Andrews, jtn4ukr@gmail.com.
Meeting of the Jamestown historical society committee
I just need a quiet place to take my interview zoom call.
Registration full. Thank you for your interest!
1 - On - 1 Tech Support
Sign up for a 30-minute slot for 1 - on - 1 tech help with Denise from ATEL.
Please email Emma (emma@jplri.org) to reserve a spot.
Looking for a quiet place to tutor 1 on 1.
I own a small engineering firm. Our office is being remodeled so we are looking for a place to work.
English Language Learning
2 Individuals working together.
This is a monthly reading group open to anyone interested in Ukraine. Topics include Ukrainian history (general and recent), the background and conditions of the current war with Russia, Ukrainian literature and culture, and the significance of the Ukrainian struggle for an understanding of European and global security and democracy. Participants select discussion topics and readings for subsequent meetings.
Reading selections for the January meeting are available from John Andrews, jtn4ukr@gmail.com, (401.497.7456).
Monthly meeting for the organization